Tue, January 23, 2024

Alpine 3.19 Availability

Zack Siri
Zack Siri
Alpine Linux 3.19

This post is an update about Alpine 3.19. We also have a primer on Alpine Linux if you're looking for a more general intro first.

Alpine 3.19

Alpine 3.19 has been released since 7th December 2023. It incorporates the latest runtime dependencies. Some notable runtimes include:

  • NodeJS 21.4.0
  • Elixir 1.15.7
  • Ruby 3.2.2 (with yjit)
  • Python 3.11.6
  • Go 1.21.6

Using Alpine 3.19 images

To use the new image users can either update the version of runtime they wish to use from the application setup screen:

Choose alpine linux image

Users can also simply update the stack parameter in the instellar.yml configuration, and push the code. OpsMaru will provision a new container running the desired version of alpine with the updated runtimes.

Update stack in instellar.yml

Testing your Application

We recommend customers carefully test out their application based on the chosen runtime before deploying to production. With any upgrade it's important to make sure your application is compatible with the new runtimes. You can choose to stay on your existing stack choice for as long as you wish.

Alpine 3.16 End of Life

Alpine 3.16 will be reaching end-of-life on 24th May 2023. After the end-of-life is reached it will be removed from our platform. We recommend customers upgrade to one of the newer versions to ensure their application containers are up-to-date and secure.